6 Common Cleaning Products You Should Never Mix

It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you think about tackling a tough cleaning job in your commercial office space. Knowing which cleaner and disinfectant to use when and where can be difficult.

However, understanding the types of cleaners and disinfectants that are used is a safety issue.

When products are combined, they can undergo various chemical reactions, turning everyday cleaners into harmful, even toxic gases.

“People often think that if one product works, mixing it with another one will make it even better,” says Carolyn Forte, Director of the Good Housekeeping Institute Cleaning Lab.

But here’s the scary truth: “Certain products, which are safe when used alone, can sometimes cause unsafe fumes or other chemical reactions when mixed with other products,” says Nancy Bock, Senior VP of Education at the American Cleaning Institute. And even if your ad-hoc cleaner combo isn’t dangerous or toxic, you can never be sure what effect two products can have on a surface or fabric when combined.

Before you reach into your janitor’s closet of cleaning supplies and start mixing, you should always read warning labels and check ingredient labels on cleaning products.

Bleach and Vinegar

Combining these two powerful disinfectants produces chlorine gas, which can cause breathing problems, coughing, and eye irritation when inhaled.

Baking Soda and Vinegar

Though often recommended online for natural cleaning, mixing these creates mostly water and sodium acetate. If stored in a closed container, the mixture can explode.

Bleach and Ammonia

Mixing these creates chloramine, a toxic gas that can cause shortness of breath, chest pain, and eye irritation.

Combining Different Drain Cleaner Brands

Mixing different brands can produce poisonous fumes and even explosions due to their toxic ingredients.

  • Sodium hydroxide
  • Bleach
  • Sulfuric acid
  • Hydrochloric acid

Hydrogen Peroxide and Vinegar

Never mix in the same container; they create peracetic acid, which is harmful to skin, eyes, and respiratory system.

Bleach and Rubbing Alcohol

This combination produces chloroform, a chemical that can irritate and harm the nervous system.

Take Precautions When Using Cleaning Products

Always ventilate areas, wear protective gloves, and follow instructions on labels to ensure safety.

Contact Us!

Commercial Cleaning Corporation offers a variety of services. Request a free consultation to explore options for your needs.


1. Cleaning Products You Should Never Mix (goodhousekeeping.com)