
Stop the Spread of Disease in Your School [Infographic]

Flu season is in full swing and germs and viruses are having a field day with staff and students inhabiting schools. With such a large concentration of individuals interacting with the same set of environments and surfaces each day, the spreading—and subsequent thriving—of nasty bugs and viruses is booming. With this year’s rate of hospitalization due to influenza being the highest in nearly a decade1, solutions must be sought to keep schools safe for students and staff. There are basic steps educational institutions should take to decrease the amount of debilitating bugs living in their environments.

Read more “Stop the Spread of Disease in Your School [Infographic]”

Salt Melt and Snow Removal: How To Clean Your Floors During The Winter

The icy grip of winter has once again taken hold, causing snow, salt and slush to be tracked into your business, staining your floors and leading to irreversible damage. Aside from leaving unsightly grime and discoloration throughout your building, the byproducts of some snow and ice removal methods can cause long lasting damage to floors and other surfaces, costing your business big bucks in the long run.

Trying to thwart the continual build-up of salt and snow in your most heavily trafficked areas can feel like a pyrrhic victory, sacrificing your staff’s time and energy to fight a battle that will ultimately end in defeat. Fortunately, there are some easy-to-implement tips and tricks that can help protect your floors from the beatings of winter.

Read more “Salt Melt and Snow Removal: How To Clean Your Floors During The Winter”

4 Tips to Disinfect the Dirtiest Shared Spaces in Your Office

Break room, common room, kitchen…whatever your company calls it, the purpose is the same: to provide a shared space for employees to relax, eat and unwind from the stresses of a day on the job. All break rooms, regardless of the organization or the employees that inhabit them, have one thing in common: they’re one of the most commonly used and populated rooms in a workplace.

One room continuously cohabited by a large volume of people guarantees one thing: germs, and lots of them. During cold and flu season especially, you can be sure that a microbiological zoo of bugs is thriving on the handle of every refrigerator and on the buttons of every microwave. While the accumulation of germs, bugs and other microbiological monsters can’t be mitigated by one clean forever, there are some common measures that you and your coworkers can take to make the break room a cleaner—and subsequently safer space —for everyone.

If your shared spaces continue to be dirty, even after you press staff to follow these simple tips, it might be time to contact a commercial cleaning company.

Read more “4 Tips to Disinfect the Dirtiest Shared Spaces in Your Office”

Why You Need A Commercial Cleaning Service for Your Workplace

The need for a clean and safe office or workplace is more important than ever, especially when flu and cold season begins to rear its congested head. While some businesses rely on the services offered by independent janitorial providers, they often lack standardized cleaning practices, techniques and follow-through that can leave your office a hot zone for resilient germs that affect staff and customers.

If an independent provider isn’t quite cutting it, it’s time to consider a commercial cleaning company that can rise to the occasion of keeping your workplace pristine and your staff healthy and productive.

Read more “Why You Need A Commercial Cleaning Service for Your Workplace”

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