Trends in the Industry: Green Cleaning, Robotics, & Automated Cleaners

With more businesses growing concerned about the environment, there has been a spike in the movement to go green. The cleaning industry itself has been seeing increased demand for green cleaning techniques—a trend likely to be driven by the younger generations.

Another up-and-coming trend to look out for, especially within the cleaning industry, is the use of robotics and automation. Autonomous vacuum cleaners are all the rage lately, and now, major companies including Samsung and Toyota have started testing the use of home-cleaning robots.

The green movement and utilization of robotics and automation are both driving forces in today’s market—across multiple industries. Businesses would be wise to adapt and implement these changes in order to keep up with the rest of the world. In this blog post, we’ll be covering both trends, why they’re important, and what we can expect from both of them in the future.

What is Green Cleaning

Green cleaning is a cleaning method that uses eco-friendly products so that harmful chemicals are not released into the air. Green cleaning is also used to label cleaning products that have biodegradable ingredients, meaning the ingredients will eventually be broken down by microbes. Many cleaning companies have been switching to this method of cleaning as more consumers become conscientious of their lifestyle decisions and how it impacts the future of the environment.

Why Is Green Cleaning Important

Green cleaning matters because it is beneficial to both humans and the environment. Non-green cleaning products often contain harmful ingredients such as bleach, ammonia, chlorine, formaldehydes, synthetic fragrances, and more. Products that contain these ingredients can irritate the eyes, skin, and throat. They have also been linked to headaches, allergies, infertility, and more severe health problems such as cancer.1

Non-green cleaning products are also detrimental to the environment as the harmful ingredients contained in these products have been long polluting our air, water, and land. Green cleaning products, on the other hand, contain natural, plant-based ingredients that are safe for use, less damaging to the environment, and can even be biodegradable.2

What Can We Expect in the Future

The U.S. cleaning industry is expected to continue its growth well into 2026, due to the demands of green cleaning services. We can expect to see more cleaning companies make the switch to green cleaning as consumers continue to drive this trend.

Robotics & Automated Cleaners

Robotics and automation are taking the world by storm due to their capability of streamlining workflow, cutting costs, and increasing overall productivity. Robotics is the process of designing, creating, and using robots to perform a certain task. Automation is the process of using physical machines, computer software and other technologies to perform tasks that are usually done by humans.3 The two are synonymous with each other in that they are both capable of replacing humans working across multiple industries—including the cleaning industry.

Companies in various industries were already using robotics and automation long before the two started trending. Examples of robotics and automation currently being used today include drones, robot-assisted surgery, and of course, automated cleaners.

We’re all familiar with the Roomba, the autonomous vacuum cleaner that moves around your house.4 Now, major companies including Toyota and Samsung are testing the use of robots that not only clean, but can also perform various household tasks.

Gill Pratt, CEO of Toyota Research Institute, states that Toyota’s prototype is designed to amplify, rather than replace, human ability. These prototypes are being trained through virtual reality, mimicking human actions such as wiping down tabletops and grabbing objects. As for when this tech will be available, TRI states that they have no immediate plans to commercialize as research is still ongoing.5

The latest machine from Samsung, called the JetBot 90 AI, will be available sometime in the first half of 2021. This robotic floor cleaner can empty its own dustbin, navigate itself by using laser-based lidar, and even comes equipped with a video camera. You can also use your phone to command the JetBot and mark off restricted areas that you don’t want cleaned, although its hardware is powerful enough to know it shouldn’t clean objects such as wires and furniture pieces.6

Why are Robotics & Automated Cleaners Important

The many benefits that come with robotics and automation include reduced costs for businesses, increased productivity and efficiency, and enhanced cycle times. By programming robots to take on the straightforward and repetitive tasks, humans are allotted more time for tasks that require deeper or creative thinking. Automation also streamlines day-to-day operations and workflow, allowing humans to shift their priorities and focus on more important tasks.

What Can We Expect in the Future

According to a BBC article, we can expect robots to replace up to 20 million factory jobs by 2030.7 Health care, manufacturers, and the military are among the top industries already utilizing robotics and automation to optimize efficiency, and we can expect to see other industries follow suit.8 Major tech companies have begun the research and development process of robots for home and business use, with Samsung already set to release their JetBot 90 AI in the first half of 2021.

At Commercial Cleaning Corporation, we are proud to say that we have already integrated green cleaning products and an autonomous vacuum cleaner called the Whiz into our services. Our company goes above and beyond in meeting the demands of our customers, and that means staying on top of the latest techniques and technology available within our industry.

Click here for more information on the Whiz, our autonomous vacuum cleaner.

Contact Us Today

Interested in partnering with a commercial cleaning company that utilizes both green cleaning and the latest tech? Click here now to contact us and we’ll gladly schedule a free walkthrough of your facility.


  1. Professional Cleaning Services Market in the U.S.- Industry Outlook and Forecast 2021-2026 (
  2. Defining Green Cleaning And Why It’s Important (
  3. The Difference Between Robotics and Automation | WorkFusion
  4. Why your Roomba takes a weird path to keep your floors clean – CNET
  5. Toyota’s robot butler prototype hangs from the ceiling like a bat – The Verge
  6. Samsung’s new robot vacuum uses lidar and empties its own bin like a fancy Roomba – CNET
  7. Robots ‘to replace up to 20 million factory jobs’ by 2030 – BBC News
  8. Top 5 Industries Utilizing Robotics | Ohio University