
What is a Day Porter and Why Might You Need One?

When it comes to upholding your building’s presentation, there are many factors to consider. You’ve got to worry about tables, floors, lighting, trash, recycling, replenishment— and that’s just the interior aspect of your building. You’ve also got windows, sidewalks, parking lots, and landscaping as part of your building’s exterior maintenance. While these tasks can seem plentiful and overwhelming, there is help available at your disposal. Your building’s entryway is the first thing a client sees before they walk inside, and if you prefer to retain rather than deter them, then daily upkeep is needed.

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Office Organization Tips for the New Year

As we approach the new year, there is no better time to clean up and organize your office space. This is a great habit to build and maintain as there are significant benefits tied along with it. Having a clean area to work in creates a sense of self-efficacy, maximizes productivity, decreases stress levels, and improves overall wellbeing. Cluttered desks, on the other hand, have been linked to procrastination, higher stress levels, and reduced self-confidence. If your initial thought when you sit down at your desk is, “Where do I begin?”, then perhaps it’s time for a desk cleanup.

Read more “Office Organization Tips for the New Year”

How to Keep Employees Safe Until the COVID-19 Vaccine is Available

Although the long-awaited vaccine is well on its way, the surge of new COVID-19 cases continues to rise as we head deeper into the winter months. The vaccine is set to be given out in phases where frontline healthcare and essential workers will be the first to receive it, followed by adults 65 and over or with underlying medical conditions, and eventually the rest of the general population.

As we all wait for the vaccine’s timely distribution, we must continue to follow safety protocols and keep our spaces properly cleaned in order to help reduce the spread of the virus. One way to ensure your facility is clean and safe is to utilize the power of electrostatic disinfecting technology done by certified technicians who work for a company that has been an industry expert for years, like we are.

Read more “How to Keep Employees Safe Until the COVID-19 Vaccine is Available”

Benefits of Recycling and How to Do Your Part

Recycling has many benefits and not just for the planet. Recycling can help keep communities clean, organizations in compliance with their state’s laws, and lighten the overall environmental footprint to stem the effects of climate change.

While recycling laws vary by state, there are fundamental recycling protocols that can be applied nationwide. As the degradation of our planet increases at a rapid pace, recycling is needed now more than ever. Businesses, schools, and other organizations can help do their part by recycling to lighten their environmental footprint.

Read more “Benefits of Recycling and How to Do Your Part”

Tackle Office Cleaning with Confidence: Download Our Comprehensive Checklist


Keeping your office clean on a regular basis or between professional cleanings doesn’t have to be overwhelming. There are various areas in an office that need attention when cleaning and disinfecting, but how do you know which areas need just cleaning and which areas need a deeper disinfection?

We’ve created a comprehensive checklist that breaks down various areas of an office that should be cleaned and disinfected, as well as what needs to be cleaned regularly and periodically over the course of a year. You can download our checklist here: Office Cleaning Checklist and print it out for easy use.

Read more “Tackle Office Cleaning with Confidence: Download Our Comprehensive Checklist”

Keep Your Bank Clean with our Stress-Free Bank Cleaning Checklist


If you are looking to keep your image in tip top shape then consistency in cleaning is important. This bank cleaning checklist includes common cleaning tasks that you would need to focus on at a bank. We have also included it into a printable pdf so you may download it and take it with you or hand it out to those in charge of your commercial cleaning. If you are interested in services and are located in the NJ, Pa, or DE area we offer a wide range of commercial cleaning services for banks.

Even if your facility employs a commercial cleaning company, there are still times throughout the day that high-touch surfaces and areas need to be disinfected. This is where your staff can help. To take the guesswork out of cleaning your bank, we’ve created a handy checklist that you can download.

Read more “Keep Your Bank Clean with our Stress-Free Bank Cleaning Checklist”

Questions to Ask When Vetting a New Commercial Cleaning Company

Are you looking to hire a commercial cleaning company for your facility? Great idea! Hiring a commercial cleaner can help take the stress and overwhelm off your staff and give you the confidence and peace of mind knowing your facility is cleaned properly.

However, there are a few questions you should consider asking before hiring a cleaning company. In this blog post we will explain what questions you may want to, why you would want to ask them, and the answers to look for.

Read more “Questions to Ask When Vetting a New Commercial Cleaning Company”

Ready to Reopen: Free COVID-19 Reopening Guide for Pennsylvania Schools

COVID-19 has affected everyone’s lives, including children’s, who have missed out on opportunities to learn, socialize and have fun. As states continue to reopen and begin planning for students to return to their classrooms, it’s vital to be mindful of how the Coronavirus has changed their learning environments and prepare accordingly. And as businesses, restaurants and shops begin to reopen too, it may feel like life is normal again, but we still need to continue to follow state and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) health and safety guidelines.

Read more “Ready to Reopen: Free COVID-19 Reopening Guide for Pennsylvania Schools”

Daycare Cleaning: How to Keep Children Safe at Daycare

With more businesses beginning to reopen, many parents are wondering what to do with their children who are too young for school. Previously, one answer to this would be daycare, but with so many concerned about COVID-19, sending your child to play with others may pose a risk to their health.

However, with proper cleaning and disinfecting measures in place, parents can rest assured that their children are staying safe and healthy. Children explore their environment by touching and putting things into their mouths. This is natural behavior but can post serious risks during a pandemic.

For these reasons, daycares can quickly become breeding grounds for harmful bacteria and viruses. This blog post will cover suitable ways to keep daycares clean and safe for children.

Read more “Daycare Cleaning: How to Keep Children Safe at Daycare”

Clear Up Cleaning Confusion with Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

With the current pandemic, people are beginning to take cleaning seriously, especially as businesses and schools reopen. Given our heightened sense of awareness about the dangers of getting sick in the current environment, you may have some questions about proper cleaning techniques, methods, or products and tools to use.

In this blog post, we will answer questions to some common cleaning questions that apply to cleaning at home, having a clean workspace, and creating clean and safe environments for children, teens, and adolescents at daycare or in school.

Read more “Clear Up Cleaning Confusion with Answers to Frequently Asked Questions”

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