Four Tips for a Cleaner Office Kitchen

For most businesses, the office kitchen and break room are a constant battle to keep clean, organized and maintained. The office kitchen always seems to become the source of frustration because of its constant use.

The experts here at Commercial Cleaning Corporation would like to offer these four helpful strategies to keep your office kitchen clean for good.

Keep Cleaning Supplies Fully Stocked

It is hard for employees to keep the kitchen clean if they do not have access to cleaning supplies. By keeping an ample stock of paper towels, cleaning sprays, dish soap, and sponges at the ready, spills and dirty dishes can be cleaned easily and immediately.

Ample and conveniently places garbage cans and recycling bins are a must. Don’t give anyone a reason to leave their trash behind.

Ideal Storage

As any business owner knows, the kitchen is one of the hardest areas to keep organized. Because the kitchen holds so many individual items, it can be difficult to keep this area clean and clutter free.

Every item needs its own designated home. Consider all of the items that will be stored in the break room: paper towels, cups, straws, lids, plates, napkins, coffee, tea, and more. Each item needs a designated storage place.

After you have found an area that is good for coffee, for example, label the shelf appropriately so everyone will know that this is the spot coffee is to be stored. These simple strategies will encourage people to put items back in their appropriate areas.

Keep overflow separate. Your stock of paper towels and plates don’t need to be taking up space in the most accessible cabinet. Keep extra supplies close at hand and store the overflow up high or down low or in a nearby supply closet.

Not only is this a good idea for storage, but it’s helps to manage your stock by only having one item open at a time.

Invest in Quality Appliances

What do your break room counter tops look like? Are the overflowing with supplies and stacked up dishes? It may be time to invest in some new appliances.

To help maintain a clean and tidy break room you need to have a refrigerator that is big enough for the whole office. Installing a high-efficiency dishwasher will make people more likely to take care of their dishes and they will end up cleaner than relying on hand washing alone.

Hire a Team of Professionals

Even if your office is full of clean and conscientious employees who always take care of their messes, there are a lot of places for crumbs, spills and smells to hide.

A professional cleaning company with expert training and the right cleaning products will make all the difference in keeping your break room fresh and clean from top to bottom.

Commercial Cleaning Corporation will go above and beyond when it comes to keeping your work kitchen clean. We use only the best sanitizers and disinfectants and with our years of detail-oriented experience, we will help you keep your kitchen stay fresh and clean!

Reach out today for a free quote and see how we can help keep your business clean and running smoothly.