
Ultimate Guide to School Cleaning

Ultimate guide to school cleaning and reopening updated for 2023

It’s hard to believe school is almost here and with the new year comes new challenges and even the addition of a new viral threat. Commercial Cleaning Corp has put together a school cleaning guide packed with tips to help you prepare for a safe and healthy 2023-2024 school year.

Proper Ventilation Keeping School Air Clean

kids in a classroom getting instruction

CDC has recommended that proper ventilation be a primary topic of discussion in the reopening of schools this fall. Given the airborne nature of Covid19 recent research is saying that by rotating the air in the classroom this fall you can significantly lower your risk of spreading covid19. In addition to the reduced risk of spreading disease there are studies that show a lower co2 level in the classroom enhances learning.

The official CDC recommendation is to completely change the air in a classroom 6 times per hour. This is referred to as ACH or air changes per hour. When you see a recommendation of 6 ACH you can understand they are saying your ventilation system will replace the air in the room 6 times per hour.

In order to address the ventilation topic, the CDC website has added several features for schools to test and optimize their ventilation. However, you may want to call in your HVAC manager for this part as the concepts can get very technical. We tried to break it down in simple terms to easily understand in our school cleaning guide. If you would like to go down the technical road here are a few links to follow.
Read more “Ultimate Guide to School Cleaning”

Medical Facility Cleaning Services

Training and Trust Are Keys to Medical Grade Commercial Cleaning

Hclean dental office medical facilityealthcare facilities, more than any other industry rely on commercial cleaning services when cleaning their facility. Medical facility cleaning services consist of three main goals:


  • Meeting strict federal safety and privacy requirements.
  • Protecting the health and safety of the medical team and patients.
  • Presenting a clean, attractive atmosphere that builds confidence between patients and their providers.


Unlike other buildings, cleanliness in medical facilities serve dual functions of providing both surface cleanliness and infection prevention.

Read more “Medical Facility Cleaning Services”

Top 5 Areas for Professional Cleaning

In this blog, we’re looking at the top five areas of your business that will benefit most from professional cleaning services.

A clean business makes a great first impression and can mean happier and healthier employees. Anytime the seasons change, it’s the perfect chance for businesses to reassess the state of their property and reinvigorate a few key areas.

Read more “Top 5 Areas for Professional Cleaning”

Concrete Restoration Experts from Aztec Training

Aztec Concrete Training Graduates March 2022Concrete Restoration Services

In March our team of flooring experts attended training for concrete restoration at Aztec Concrete Training. The course was an intensive 3 day training program for repairing, grinding, polishing and maintaining concrete floors. Each attendee received certification for working with concrete.

What is Concrete Restoration?

Concrete is one of the worlds most used building materials. Warehouses and industrial buildings across the country use concrete for flooring since its cost effecting and durable for large areas. Most companies picture concrete flooring as being old, shabby, and stained. However it doesn’t have to be that way, commercial concrete restoration allows you to clean an polish you flooring giving it a clean shine appearance. This is a great way to improve the visual appeal of the floor. It also makes it easier to clean and maintain especially in a warehouse environment with high traffic where durability is key.

Why Choose Concrete Services?

Polishing and raising your concrete appearance to an impressive shine is a cheaper alternative to replacing the concrete all together. That is where commercial cleaning company comes in call us today and schedule your no cost consultation.


Visit our page on Concrete Floor Polishing page to see more about out services and how we can keep your floors looking their best.

6 Things to Do Right Now to Organize Your Workspace

Working in clutter is a challenge most of us struggle with at some point in our lives. Clutter makes it difficult to get things done, to find what you need, and to live in an orderly and efficient manner. When we spend time everyday looking for our keys or trying to find that important document, we can become frantic and stressed, allowing this negative daily energy to build up over time.

One of the less obvious affects that clutter has is the impact on our mental clarity. Clutter contributes to our inability to think clearly, increases stress levels, and drains our mental and physical energy.

Read more “6 Things to Do Right Now to Organize Your Workspace”

How Commercial Cleaners Can Help Your Bottom Line

There are countless benefits to maintaining a clean office space. Beyond the aesthetic appeal, a clean office reduces the spread of illness, promotes productivity, reduces stress, and increases safety, which has an overall positive impact on the company’s bottom line.

Let’s discuss four ways a commercial cleaning company can help you improve your bottom line in 2022.

Read more “How Commercial Cleaners Can Help Your Bottom Line”

3 New Year’s Resolutions for a Better Business

It’s the time of year when we reflect on our personal and professional goals and it will come as no surprise that the majority of resolutions that people make have to do with improving business and bettering one’s health.

How you take care of your office space can greatly impact these two areas and today, more than ever, cleanliness and job satisfaction are the keys to finding and keeping valuable employees. These factors can also help you reach your 2022 business goals.

Over the past 12-plus months the marketplace has changed drastically and we have seen new cleaning trends emerge, strategies evolve, and employee and customer needs continue to shift. The new year is a time to reflect on what has worked and how to develop strategies to continue to improve.

Below, we have listed three resolutions that will set you and your team up for a healthier and more successful year:

Read more “3 New Year’s Resolutions for a Better Business”

How to Prepare Your Office for a Holiday Celebration

Holiday office parties are a tradition for many companies. It is a great time to take a break and socialize with coworkers in a relaxed setting. Office holiday parties are a great way to bring the year to a close, so it is important to make the event memorable and let your employees and their guests know how much you value them and the hard work they do.

To make sure the party is a success some preparation is required, and a big part of that preparation starts with a good office cleaning. The party planners at Commercial Cleaning Corporation have put together a list of everything you will need to know when it comes to preparing your office for a holiday celebration.

Read more “How to Prepare Your Office for a Holiday Celebration”

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